Have you noticed an increase in the number of ‘mockumentaries’ on TV lately?

A Mockumentary is defined as ‘Fiction presented as fact in documentary form’; in other words a mock documentary. Popular examples in recent years have been The Office, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family. Some people argue that The Crown is in that category.
I began to wonder how far one could play with words in that way. Here’s my list.
—umentary name Programme title
Blockumentary Will Lego buildings last longer than modern homes?
Brockumentary Badgering badgers
Chocumentary Lindt’s soft centres – the inside story
Cockumentary Male porn stars – how do they measure up?
Clockumentary Horology and where does the time go?
Crockumentary China and pottery – the secrets cracked
Dockumentary Short stevedores and longshoremen
Ewokumentary Furry creatures brought down to size
Flockumentary Watch birds flocking
Frockumentary Do fashion designers measure up?
Glockumentary Favoured fictional baddies’ pistols
Hockumentary Do pawnbrokers drink German wine?
Jockumentary Is Burns’ night a form of sadism?
Knockumentary Confessions of door-to-door sales persons
Lockumentary A key to the burglar’s art
Rockumentary Are geologists at fault?
Shockumentary Clumsy electricians
Smockumentary Protective clothing through the ages
Sockumentary How to gain a foothold in the hosiery industry
Stockumentary Dow Jones and Nasdaq secrets
Ticktockumentary Clocks covered in gilt
TikTokumentary Social media with no guilt
Unlockumentary Car thieves undone
Wokumentary Best British stir-frys
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